Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of School

AHHHHHHHHHHH that is how I spell relief! My older girls had their first day of school. Now do not get me wrong I love all my girls to death, but I have to say my day was a little less stressful now that 3 of them were not here. They all got up on time this morning without a fight, which is very unusual. I can not make any promises for what tomorrow might bring, but here is to hoping, praying and keeping my fingers crossed. Now that the girls are back in school I am hoping to get a more ergular schedule down for Cassy and Shayna. I would really like to start some homeschooling with Cassy, she so badly wants to learn and go to school but she is just not old enough to go yet. I am going to start out with some really basic things and we will go from there. It will also depend on how long I can keep her attention and how long she will stay on task. I am going to get out my big dry erase board and start using to help me stay on task so that I can help her stay on task. Sometimes if things are not right there in my face I will either forget about them or put them off till later or tomorrow, the problem being later and tomorrow never come.
As far as Cassy and her sleeping, that did not go as well as I had hoped. She did wake up a few times again last night, the first time she woke because she had peed the bed. Did I forget to mention that it was my bed that she was sleeping in. After a quick wash, a bed stripping, and some new PJ's she settled nicely on the floor next to my bed, although she did not stay there to long. Once I had the bed cleaned and new sheets on it she was in it again, luckly for me she had already gone to the bathroom so I did not have to worry about that happening again. As for how i slept, well I had nightmares when I was sleeping.

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