Friday, September 10, 2010

Catch up, Ketchup or Catsup........Here I am =)

Ok so it has been a couple of weeks since I have written, I am trying to keep myself accountable and I am failing miserably. The last couple of weeks have just been stressful. There has been a lot going on with everyone. First and foremost Cassy has started her therapy. We had her first meeting last Tuesday, the therapists name is Cherri and she seems super sweet and Nice and Cassy seemed to like her, she has been working with kids for 12 years and has been with Cassy's Psychiatrist for 4 years, she is a mom of 2 girls as well. It was a very informal meeting just a meet and greet sort of, we sat and talked about my concerns for Cassy and just sort of what the regular session is going to be like for her. We have also pulled almost 100% of milk out of her diet I say almost 100% because Cassy is a sneaky and crafty little girl who loves her milk and always manages to find a way to get some each day. She also has an evaluation on October 1st with the school district for testing, if they do find any delay they will get her in a a class room Pre-K for 3 and 4's which I think will be great for her and I am excited at the prospect of it. Last weekend Katie had her first Cross Country Meet although she is in middle school she gets to run for the high school team and she did really well and even shaved a little over 4 minutes off her time, we are all very proud of her, she ran a 5k in 31 mins and 12 sec, she has another meet tomorrow I will not be able to attend that meet as it is in Columbia which is about 1 and 1/2 from home and I just do not trust my car enough to take it that far. Shane started his new job with Lincoln Harris this week, it is a bit of adjustment for all of us, he is switching from 3rd shift to 2nd shift with a week of 1st shift, Cassy, Shayna and my self's routine is just a mess right now. Luckily next week he will go on straight 2nd shift so we will be able to readjust our schedule. This is a great job that came with a nice pay increase, great benefits, Shane has a lot of potential with this job, this is a place he could retire from, so far he seems to like it, he was nervous the first couple of days but he is really liking it now. Sammy and JoJo are doing great in school, they are really liking it. Sammy has been a busy little bee like usual, last weekend she went to the beach with a friend and the weekend before that she was in Georgia with the same friend and if memory serves correct I think she may be making plans for this weekend. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing that my almost 10 year old daughter is more well traveled than ones self. Jojo has asked to play soccer so we are waiting for soccer sign ups to come around it won't be long before hey are sending them home. Shayna is doing great, I can not believe that she is almost a year old, I am really not sure where the last year has gone. Shay is walking a ton she is now trying to run, she has successfully climbed the front stairs 2 times and I am not liking that and she has also cut 2 more teeth so that is 2 on top and 2 on bottom. As far as me, well I have been stressed I am not going to lie, last week I was so frazzled tired and stressed that when I got home at 7 from picking Katie up from practice, I got out of the car and into the house and for almost 7 hours my car ran in the drive way, I got out of my car and forgot to shut it up, talk about preoccupied mind, thank god for Denise stopping by to check on me or the car would have ran all night long, in 7 hours it only burned a little over a 1/4 of a tank of gas so that is good. Well I guess that is the catch up for the day =)